collage of a hand holding a tiny laptop with pages of paper coming out of the laptop along with icons.

You can only speak to the people who want to hire you or buy from you if you know who they are. A well-defined audience is important to get your message out to the people who want and need to hear it.

Your voice

There is only one you, and your voice is different from everyone else. Define your voice and whittle it down to be authentically you. Pay attention to what the competition is doing, but make your posts your own.


Now that you have your voice and audience nailed down, engagement should be a lot easier. You are reaching the right people and you are sending them the message they need. They will start joining the bandwagon.

Be strategic

Plan out your social media posts ahead of time. Of course, there will always be things that pop up that change the schedule. You can always push back something to the next day or week. Or add additional posts when there is an event or big news you want to share.

Choose which platforms to use

Not all platforms work for everyone. Because you know your audience, figure out which social media platforms they use. If you are not sure, you can always experiment with a social media platform, and if you fail to get engagement after a couple of months, drop it and stick to what works for you.

Be true to your brand

This goes back to your voice. Your brand is a self-portrait of you. Let people in behind-the-scenes in your office. Give people a look at what you really do every day and not just what they think you do. Be grateful for your followers and acknowledge them.

Social listening

Pay attention to what your followers say about your business. Understand what people think about your brand. Through social listening, the information you get will help you form a deeper bond with your clientele as well as see what direction you should go in the future.

Social media is your customer service

Your social media pages are part of your customer service. When people make comments, positive or negative, you have the opportunity to respond and make changes to keep clients happy.


Check your analytics often on your social media platforms to see which posts are doing the best. See what types of posts hit the mark and which ones didn’t. Knowing what people respond to will help you craft posts in the future.


You must pay attention to what you post, how people react and remember to offer value in your posts. If you stick to these social media best practices, you will see your following increase organically. It takes time and effort to grow a social media account. Give yourself a leg up by following these tips.

Need help with social media for your business? Contact Social Squids today.

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